Pianist, improviser and composer Thollem McDonas is touring Europe these days
He will perform solo, in different combinations and with WaristerrorTerroriswar
don’t miss it
you can hear his music here
and here
and here
and here too
WARISTERRORTERRORISWAR have a cdr out called “TheBrutalRealityOfModernBrutality”
and in the next days they will start recording for a new one “Private Poverty”
both albums will be available via BURP Publications and S.Giuseppe Records
details in the near future
June 15th at L’AtelierTampon-Ramier – Paris, France
June 16th at CrewHassan – Lisboa, Portugal
June 17th at TremAzul – Lisboa, Portugal
June 18th at TeatroDoCampoAlegre – Porto, Portugal With: Germaul Barnes (BitahkizAyeli)
June 19th at BracoDePrata – Lisboa, Portugal Also: Duassemicolcheias
June 28th at Centr’arti – San Marino With Massimo Semprini
June 28th and 29th at Centr’arti – San Marino (Improvisation workshop)
July 4th at SummerStage – Florence, Italia With WaristerrorTerroriswar
July 5th at Tagofest – Massa, Italia With WaristerrorTerroriswar
July 6th FestivalStradeBlu PiazzaVittorioVeneto – Modigliana, Italia with Dario Neri “concerto in quadrifonia per Pianoforte e Macchine Sonore”
July 10th at ScuolaPopolareDiMusicaIvanIllich – Bologna with Nicola Guazzaloca
July 12th at MenzaPriKoritu – Ljubljana, Slovenia
July 15th to 17th – Recording new WaristerrorTerroriswar album (PrivatePoverty)
July 18th at CPA – Firenze With WaristerrorTerroriswar
July 19th – Lugo With WaristerrorTerroriswar
July 20th at Ivan Illich – Bologna With WaristerrorTerroriswar
July 31st-August 17th – NorthwestTour (California, Oregon, Washington)
August 8th – WorkshopAndHouseConcert – Bainbridge Island, Washington
August 17th at HouseConcert – Cotati, California
September 29th at TheLabencheMuseum With Stefano Scodanibbio in Brive-la-Gaillarde, France (I have been invited to compose, play, and record on Debussy’s only piano he had the last 14 years of his life, and I invited Stefano to join me in improvisations based on compositions I am preparing specifically for this concert).
October 10th At MeridianGallery – San Francisco with Bloom Ensemble
October 22nd-25th At BohemianNationalHome – Detroit, MI ImprovWorkshopsAndConcert With Bloom Ensemble
October 26th – Dec. 7th 2nd Annual 4KneesOfTheTurtleTour