Archive for the ‘videos’ Category


February 11th, 2013

For the opening of  QUOTA;UNQUOTA a series curated by Philip Morris based on solos concerts JD ZazieAudrey Chen and Anna Friz have been invited to play. Episode 1 will take place on February the 15th at Salon Bruit in Berlin.
Concerts will start at 22:30.
Each concert will be preceded by the screening of a short interview in which the artist outlines her artistic motivations, media and methods.

AUDREY CHEN | Cello, voice

Audrey Chen is a Chinese-American musician and performance artist born outside of Chicago in 1976. Using the cello, voice and analog electronics, Chen’s work focuses on the combination and layering of traditional and extended techniques. A large component of her music is improvised and her approach to this is often extremely personal and visceral. Her performance work incorporates sound, movement and visual/sculptural concepts. Chen performs solo and in collaboration with a wide number of musicians and dancers. Among musicians, she has worked with many great artists, including Phil Minton, Tetuzi Akiyama, Toshimaru Nakamura, Ko Ishikawa, Elliott Sharp, Aki Onda, Phill Niblock, Frederic Blondy, Jim Pugliese, Alessandro Bosetti, Mike Cooper, Mats Gustafsson, Mazen Kerbaj, Michael Zerang, Tatsuya Nakatani, Le Quan Ninh, Joe Mcphee, Susan Alcorn, Michele Doneda, Paolo Angeli, and Gianni Gebbia. She is member of the Red room and High Zero Collective in Baltimore, an on-going series and international festival devoted to experimental improvised music.

ANNA FRIZ | Radios, transmitters multilocational radiophonic samples, VLF, shortwave, electronics

Anna Friz is a Canadian sound and radio artist currently based in Chicago, where she is a post-doctoral fellow at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her dissertation forher Ph.D. was entitled “The Radio of the Future Redux: Rethinking Transmission Through Experiments in Radio Art.”
Since 1998 Anna has predominantly created self-reflexive radio for broadcast, installation or performance, where radio is the source, subject, and medium of the work. She also creates dynamic, atmospheric sound works for theatre, dance, film, and solo performance that are equally able to reflect upon public media culture or to reveal interior landscapes.


JD ZAZIE | Turntable, mixer, CDj

Born in Bolzano, JD Zazie is an italian sound artist and recordist based in Berlin. Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background JD Zazie has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound.