Martedi, 17 maggio, alle ore 20
Inaugurazione del nuovo Padiglione di AVATAR ARCHITETTURA nel giardino di Villa Romana, Firenze
Electric Party
con l’Open Program del Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
dj WJM (Sistemi Audiofobici Burp)
Deva Wolfram – Piante selvatiche
“Can a party be a form of art? Electric Party is a stream of dramatic elements – songs, rhythm, dance, poetry – that emerge from a seemingly casual atmosphere, a party in which the poetic word intersects with the present circumstances in which we are living. This experiment in artistic contact explores the edges of theatrical and social behavior, and plays with the sometimes ambiguous division between them. Electric Party is an articulated game that unfolds throughout the night: songs, poems, dances and actions appear and disappear without resolution, continually playing with the rhythms of the party, riding its waves. While the guests eat, socialize, drink and dance, the gathering arrives to moments of high intensity through structured and precise sequences of action performed by the Open Program team. Come join us at Villa Romana in Florence. Please bring with you an offering to the Party something to drink or eat of.”
Open Program