Some BURP units will participate at this annual meeting of FKL. Edoardo Ricci and Stefano Bartolini as part of the Wind Ensamble will play compositions of Luigi Guarnieri. JD Zazie alias Valeria Merlini together with Felicity Ford will present a short version of the sonic impressions of the last day of Tuned City Tallinn ”10. July 2011 – third conference day”. The recordings and the piece were realized at the festival during the workshop framework radio – documentation and production. More detailed infos on the program.
14th – 15th January 2012
SUC – le Murate
Piazza della Madonna della Neve – Firenze – IT
Concerts start at 9 PM
Free entrance
Live events and audio diffusions by will end the first meeting day.
Works of Mechi Cena, Enrico Coniglio, Mario D’Andreta, Felicity Ford, Luigi Guarnieri, Piero La rocca, Giovanni Lami, Massimo Liverani, Valeria Merlini, Francesco Michi, Simone Tecla. With the participation of Wind Ensamble: Stefano Bartolini, Marcello Bizzarri, Renato Cordovani, Edoardo Ricci.
Organized by FKL – FORUM KLANGLANDSCHAFT (with Arteco, Officine Croma, Luigi Agostini digital solutions)