We are proud to announce JD Zazie and Mat Pogo had been invited to the Open Provocation festival in Cornwall organised by sound artist Robert Curgenven
Wednesday 17th – Saturday 20th April 2013
7.30 – 11.30pm
Polruan Village Hall, Cornwall, PL23 1PF (just below Main Carpark)
Four acts + DJ
Great view, Cheap bar
2CD Festival compilation £10
Admission £5 per night
Festival compilation + £5 = Festival pass (four nights)
Festival artists:
Nicholas Bullen (UK) live electroacoustic A/V set
Lee Patterson (UK) amplified devices and processes
Jorg Maria Zeger (DE) guitar/fx
Company Fuck (AU/DE) voice, electronics
Iris Garrelfs (UK/DE) voice, electronics
Mat Pogo (IT/DE) recorded & actual voice, CD player
Alexander Wendt (DE/UK) multiple speaker & microphones
Nigel Ayers aka Nocturnal Emissions (Cornwall, UK) electronics
JD Zazie (IT/DE) turntables, manipulated CDs
Matt Davis (Cornwall, UK) trumpet, electromagnetics, fieldrecordings
Dominick Allen (Cornwall, UK) self-made devices, installation
Dennis Wiehahn (Cornwall, UK) electroacoustic diffusion
Kat McDowall (Cornwall/AU) performance
Robert Curgenven (Cornwall/AU) feedback, turntables, fieldrecordings
A four-day festival with 16 performances by artists from across the UK, Germany, Italy and Australia, all in a small riverside village in rural Cornwall. This village, surrounded by water on three sides (Fowey River, Pont Slipway and English Channel) is already over 50% second homes and holiday lets. While tourism is a major source of income, particularly for the holiday lets, two pubs, café and a village shop, little of this tourism offers broad cultural benefit to the community. While not pretending to be an event to satisfy the mainstream cultural desires of the village, the Open Provocation Festival is catering to a wider audience from surrounding villages and aiming to facilitate new and thought provoking presentations in the region. Previous shows have been a success and have demonstrated there is an audience for arts and culture generally in the region. As well as providing a forum for the presentation of contemporary music and performance the festival aims to function as an artist camp and retreat in the coastal wilds of Cornwall where artists share performances, eat together and also share accommodation in some of the many houses available for let with the important difference that they are bringing something vital into the community. Very little arts and culture is on offer in East Cornwall and in a small way this Festival aims to address that issue whilst remaining open to all and thought provoking to many…
The festival is an entirely an artist run initiative and as such is staged entirely without conventional arts funding. We would value your support, through sales of the 2CD festival compilation which will provide a large percentage of the costs of the festival (artists’ transport, accommodation and food). By buying the Festival Compilation you are directly supporting the artists and organisation of the festival and in return you get an amazing selection of tracks by these great artists that were either made exclusively for the festival or rare/hard-to-find material. Even if you are far from Cornwall, your support for the festival through the purchase of a festival CD will be gratefully received as well as enjoying over 100minutes of great music, it’s a win-win situation.
Tags: Alexander Wendt, Company Fuck, Dennis Wiehahn, Dominick Allen, Iris Garrelfs, JD ZAZIE, jorg maria zeger, Kat McDowall, Lee Patterson, MAT POGO, Matt Davis, Nicholas Bullen, Nigel Ayers, open provocation festival, Robert Curgenven