Limbus Europae is a mutual piece of art. And as such it is dedicated to unite the producers of art and its recipients as well as to transcend the limits of traditional exhibitions and to the deconstruction of the term of art itself. The place itself is invisible. Its location is only spread out by words of mouth – it thus only exists in the consciousness of the participants. You can only participate by taking part.
#28: general / identity
29.11.2010: 8pm-midnight
4*butoh/live/performance/screening: 9.30pm sharp
* -> “ovar selvy”
(flavie françois, aude françois)
* -> “shadow collage”
(christian sonntag, servando barriero, aude françois)
* -> “uchronie – no man’s land under control” & “this is the end”
(alexandre carril)
* -> guilty c. / pato
(split 7″ – le petit mignon)
* -> jd zazie / roberto fega
* -> lesly alejandra palomino lopez
kienitzer str. 108
corner weisestr.
metro u8 boddinstr.
Tags: JD ZAZIE, le petit mignon, lmbus europae, Pato, roberto fega