Archive for the ‘VINCENZO FIORE MARRESE’ Category


June 26th, 2009

July 22nd 2009 Metallo a new piece by Teatro Anatomico™, contemporary theatrical company will be performed.
Founded by painters Vincenzo Fiore Marrese and Linda Salvadori, Teatro Anatomico™ is a tool to explore perception’s possibilities and body’s expression through creative research. from visual arts to sound through articulation between  several, not neccessarly artistic, disciplines

is a theatrical piece that connects painture and sound to experiment their role and power inside the theatrical drama as pure action, without any narrative element.

July 22 2009 h. 21:30
Prato Estate 2009 Estate OFF
presso Officina Giovani – Cantieri Culturali Ex Macelli
piazza dei Macelli, 4, 59100, Prato, PO, Italia.