WJ Meatball / JD Zazie :: cdj, mix, found sounds
SEMERSSUAQ sono WJ Meatball (Jealousy Party, Sistemi Audiofobici Burp) e JD Zazie (Wet’n Wild, Penates).
Il duo freeform Cut’n Roll Nasce a Firenze alla fine degli anni ’90 in seno al laboratorio musicale Soul Limbo Studio presso il CPA Fi-Sud. Da questo ambito di musica improvvisata, free/form/rock ed elettronica sperimentano e sviluppano tecniche di manipolazione sonora con strumenti da DJ.
In loro l’astrazione e la decostruzione di un linguaggio musicale precostituito è veicolo per mostrarne uno nuovo, reinventato: un metalinguaggio.
SEMERSSUAQ are WJ Meatball (Jealousy Party, Sistemi Audiofobici Burp) and JD Zazie (Wet’n Wild, Penates).
The freeform Cut’ n Roll duo was born in Florence at the end of the 90’s at the Soul Limbo Studio based in C.P.A. Fi-Sud. From that improvised, freeform/rock and electronic music scene, they developed their technique manipulating sound using basically DJ tools.
Brynja Cortes Andrésdóttir (cello), CCMonkey (violin), Edoardo Ricci (wind instruments), Letizia Renzini (electronics), Agnese Fortuna (text), Veronica Citi (visual).
semerssuaq XL – womenbeings: words in contexts (2010)
WJ Meatball / JD Zazie (sound)
Veronica Citi (video)
Agnese Fortuna (text)
semerssuaq XL is a collaboration between Semerssuaq, Agnese Fortuna and Veronica Citi,
In 2010 they developed“womenbeings: words in contexts”, a project that integrates live act with text and visual.
Sonic distortions and modulations in extemporary processing with short video pieces concerning tales of everyday tensions between affective language and languages of professional context.
EXCERPT: eppure – chapter 4
#4 EPPURE by Veronica Citi on Vimeo.
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